Julian Senoner honored with Seghezzi Preis 2023 by SAQ
The Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ) has recently announced that Julian Senoner, Co-Founder of EthonAI, is the recipient of the Seghezzi Preis 2023. This prestigious biennial award, established by quality leader Hans Dieter Seghezzi, recognizes significant contributors to the evolution of quality management theory and practice.
Julian has been lauded for his innovative research, which has been published in renowned academic journals including Management Science and Production and Operations Management. His work has played a crucial role in the development of EthonAI’s mission and has led to a marked impact on the landscape of quality management.
EthonAI, a spin-off of the Chair of Production and Operations Management at ETH Zürich, has become a digital platform that is redefining operational excellence in manufacturing. This transformation has been fueled by the innovative spirit of the entire team at EthonAI who have developed tools that are now being leveraged by industry leaders such as Siemens, Roche, and Lindt & Sprüngli.
The company’s journey and its contributions to quality management have been recognized and appreciated by the industry, with the Seghezzi Preis 2023 serving as a testament to their efforts. For more updates on EthonAI and new product developments, stay tuned.